The Zen Mode feature within the Zen Devplugin allows you to bind a keyboard shortcut of your choice to quickly show/hide panels in the Blueprint Editor. By quickly hiding the My Blueprint, Components, Details, etc. panels, you can use that additional screen space to focus on reading and writing Blueprint nodes.
Experimental features can be enabled in Settings. Below is a list of the experimental features in the latest build (1.16 or greater):
Zen Mode is known to reset the position and size of panels when you restart the editor. By enabling experimental features, some of these panels positions/sizes will attempt to remain the same after an editor restart.
This plugin only works by using a keyboard shortcut. You can configure up to 4 different shortcuts; only one is configured by default and it is set to Z. The extra shortcuts give you flexibility on how you use Zen Mode. For example, perhaps you have a Widget workflow that only shows Palette, Hierarchy, and Details for blocking everything out, but then you only want to show Animations and Timeline for getting your widget animations working properly. You can put Palette, Hierarchy, and Details on Shortcut 1 and Animations and Timeline on Shortcut 2 to “swap” between these two modes.
Using multiple shortcuts
To configure the shortcuts:
Open the Edit Menu
Click Editor Preferences
Under the General section, click Keyboard Shortcuts
Scroll until you see the Zen Mode section (or use the search box)
For the Toggle Zen Mode (Shortcut [1-4) shortcuts, click one of the text edit boxes on the right where it says Type a new binding, and type the keyboard shortcut
This plugin provides two methods to hide the panels. See the Settings section below for more details.
If you're using UE5+, you can quickly move the windows to the sidebar, allowing you to quickly reference them without fully opening them again. This is similar to right clicking on the panel and clicking Dock to Sidebar. Toggling Zen Mode again will be similar to right clicking on the panel and clicking Undock from Sidebar.
If you're using UE4 or prefer closing the panels instead, this method will completely close the panels.
If enabled, when exiting Zen Mode, the plugin will attempt to show only the panels that were open for this tab. If disabled, or the attempt fails, all enabled panels will be opened.
For example, if you have all of the panels enabled in the settings, but you only have Details and My Blueprint panels open when you enable Zen Mode, then when you disable Zen Mode again for that blueprint, only Details and My Blueprint will be opened/restored. This works regardless of your Toggle Method.
Sidebar only works for UE5. If you have this selected when using UE4, the plugin will fallback to the Close method.
Sidebar is the default, and fully recommended, if you are using UE5 as it's very powerful to still have your panels still accessible if you're in Zen Mode. See the below GIF showing how Sidebar works.
Sidebar Toggle Method
Close works the same way it does on UE4 and UE5. The below GIF is on UE4. By using close, the panels go completely away. You can bring them back by toggling the Zen Mode again, or by opening them via the Window menu. See the below GIF showing how Close works.
This section allows you to enable/disable panel toggling for specific editors. By disabling an editor, no panels will be toggled when you're in that type of editor.
For each of the editors, you can configure how each panel behaves. For each panel you can select one of the options:
Disabled - This panel will not toggle for any keyboard shortcut
Shortcut 01 - This panel will toggle when Shortcut 1 is pressed when focused in that type of editor
Shortcut 02 - This panel will toggle when Shortcut 2 is pressed when focused in that type of editor
Shortcut 03 - This panel will toggle when Shortcut 3 is pressed when focused in that type of editor
Shortcut 04 - This panel will toggle when Shortcut 4 is pressed when focused in that type of editor
Shortcut 05 - This panel will toggle when Shortcut 5 is pressed when focused in that type of editor
Added in version 1.13
Shortcut 06 - This panel will toggle when Shortcut 6 is pressed when focused in that type of editor
Added in version 1.13
Shortcut 07 - This panel will toggle when Shortcut 7 is pressed when focused in that type of editor
Added in version 1.13
Shortcut 08 - This panel will toggle when Shortcut 8 is pressed when focused in that type of editor
Added in version 1.13
Shortcut 09 - This panel will toggle when Shortcut 9 is pressed when focused in that type of editor
Added in version 1.13
Shortcut 10 - This panel will toggle when Shortcut 10 is pressed when focused in that type of editor
Added in version 1.13
These settings let you fine tune which panels are hidden/shown when toggling Zen Mode. Each setting refers to a panel you can see in the blueprint editor (i.e. Toggle My Blueprint refers to the My Blueprint panel with all the blueprint graphs, functions, macros, variables, and event dispatchers).
As of version 1.13, you can toggle custom Editor Utility Widgets by doing the following steps:
Check the box labeled Enable Editor Utility Widgets in the Editor Preferences > Zen Mode settings
In the same Editor Preferences > Zen Mode settings, find the Editor Utility Widgets section
Next to Toggle Blueperint Utility Widgets(we're aware of the typo and will fix it in the next release), click the + button to add a new element to the array
Then click the arrow to expand the new element added in the array
Select a utility widget with the provided asset selector
There are some known issues that are either too difficult to fix or the fix would cause more issues. Below
In some instances, it's possible the plugin cannot register the shortcut being pressed. Try clicking on a different main tab (i.e. open another blueprint and then go back to the blueprint you were attempting to use), and give that a shot. In the majority of cases, that will fix the issue. You can also try clicking in the blueprint graph area, or the tab for the blueprint function itself.
If you click anywhere in My Blueprint or Components when editing a blueprint and then toggle the panels to close them, you may have issues getting them to show up again if you don't click anywhere after closing the panels. You can simply get them to show up again by clicking anywhere in the blueprint graph area and press the toggle shortcut to return them.